Wednesday, April 17, 2013

An Average Day in the Style of Hinman

           I roll out of bed at exactly 6:15 a.m. and head into my bathroom, ready to conquer one of my last few mornings as a CFHS senior. While performing my morning routine, I come up with a fantastic idea: teeth brushing Vine! After filming the sick video that is sure to get tons of likes, I throw on a crisp waffle tee and snag some breakfast from Lori. I head outside and step into my sleek Saab where I start blasting the ultimate classic: “Who Let the Dogs Out?” as I pull out of my driveway. I finally pull into the perfect spot in the Senior lot after yelling "WHO? WHO? WHO?" in synch with the Baha Men the entire ride. First period flies by, and I head to my absolute favorite class of the day: Newspaper. You know you're a tough guy when you refuse to do work 4/5 days a week. Then, I walk down to the calculus room with dread; Mr. Maas always has to dog me with these practice AP tests. Luckily, the problem involved only a few simple integrals, and I destroy it. 9/9, at least. I continue through the rest of the day with ease after another productive class period and even throw the girl a wink in the hallway. She’s lucky. I finally remember to save my water bottle after lunch (just so I can refill it, do not get any ideas) so today is going pretty great. As the final bell rings, I sprint out of my seat in order to make it out to the baseball field with a bag of sunflower seeds in hand. I have a great practice and knock it out of the park (literally and figuratively); plus, Sweeney and I confirm our bro status. Score. I drive home with a smile on my face and some classic rock blaring in the background, perfection. To polish off my perfect day, Paul cooks a nice batch of hamburgers and the family, including our Labrador, Maggie, sits down to cheer the Indians onto victory. God bless America.


  1. I think Ice Cube's "It Was a Good Day" would provide a much more appropriate soundtrack for Hinman's ideal day. I mean really, what song better embodies Will's early rising and positive outlook on everyday of the week? I like the allusion to his proud American patriotism and passion for the Cleveland Indians. The randomness of thoughts throughout the entry mirrors Will's instinctively weird creative writing style. Spot on impersonation Roo. Roll Tribe.

  2. Reggae funk pop rap for days.

  3. This is perfection. Everything about this post screams Will Hinman. From the morning routine to baseball practice at night, I laughed through the whole thing. Every single detail you included matches Will's personality precisely. Personally, my favorite part talked about Newspaper. Not only is "You Know You're A Tough Guy When" my favorite part of the newspaper, but I also have heard how Will usually fails to accomplish anything during the class period (no offense). Great work Roo!
