Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Loggin' My Bloggin'

            Well, we made it halfway. As the first semester comes to a close, I would like to thank Ms. Serensky for providing me with my only slightly bearable homework, the weekly blogs. Each entry aides me in articulating my thoughts in a humorous way, and I always look forward to reading my classmate’s fantastic entries. I hope I provided them with some enjoyment as well and that my efforts to impress succeeded. I remain particularly proud of one of my entries, “Pondering Purposes,” and believe it stands as my most well-written post. My successful integration of a humorous anecdote and analysis of the importance of instilled meaning made the post both enjoyable and thoughtful. Moreover, I utilized relevant quotes from “The Balloon” and literary terminology without it sounding like term-dropping. I believe the entry flows well and holds interesting thoughts, and I hope it proves an entertaining read. Another entry I enjoyed writing and trust readers would appreciate, “Materialistic Monkeys,” contains a variety of tales form my work experiences. I find this blog post particularly interesting as it contains multiple humorous anecdotes. By emphasizing one story in particular, I illustrated the initial judgments of materialism we all often express. However, I also wanted to portray that we all contain this greediness and share it with many of the characters in The Great Gatsby. In addition to the entertaining tales, I hope my blunt assertions increase the appeal of this entry. Although I thoroughly enjoy composing blog posts, my favorite blog-related activity remains reading comments on my writings and remarking on others’ works. I received many amusing comments throughout this semester but my favorite came from Victoria Sevich. After a week of speculation regarding Gabe’s mysterious absence, I decided to blog about the relation between the rumors we started about his location and the fallacies about Gatsby.  Victoria commented on this post stating that she knew all along that Gabe just went to Florida, and only made a single, feeble attempt to clarify it. I found her statement extremely humorous and began to imagine her as the Nick to Gabe’s Gatsby, the only one who Gatsby trusts with the truths in his life. I look forward to reading more comments like this in the second semester! Furthermore, I cannot wait to attempt to entertain and be entertained as our classes’ blogging skills continually improve.